Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Black Dog Syndrome is raising awareness across the US

A few weeks ago Harley posted a very important article about the Black Dog Syndrome, a major problem in the sheltering community, which forces shelters to take undesirable action. This problem results in more unwanted dogs, leading them to the death chamber by the thousands. Many local communities are fighting back and reaching out to educate the community about the heartbreaking syndrome.

"Walk your black dog Nov. 28 to help other black dogs find homes." (Location: Idaho)

In an effort to raise awareness of "black dog syndrome," a condition where black dogs (and cats) are overlooked in area shelters, 150 elegant black canines will don their holiday finest and scamper their way along the holiday parade route in Downtown Boise on Saturday, Nov. 28.

To walk your black dog in the parade, contact Spay Neuter Idaho Pets (SNIP) at 968-1338. Entries are limited to 150. A $10 tax-deductible donation is appreciated and will help spay/neuter large black dogs whose owners can't afford it and who meet low-income guidelines.
Participant check-in will be at 7:30 a.m. The first paraders leave BSU's Morrison Center parking lot at 9:45 a.m.
"This will give tremendous exposure to all the local black dogs who are in need of loving homes right now," says Diane Ayres, president of SNIP, Inc. "In addition to black dog owners, we've invited area shelters and rescue groups to join the parade and showcase their black adoptables. Black dogs have every bit of charm and joie de vivre as any other beloved dog."
To watch the parade, find a vantage point along the route on University Drive and Capital Boulevard north towards the Statehouse, then west to 9th Street and back to University Drive.
SNIP was formed in 2008 to end animal overpopulation in the greater Treasure Valley by providing affordable, accessible spay/neuter services.
- - Idahostatesman.com


  1. You're doing a great job educating. Thank you so much! Black pups are the best!

  2. Hi Sparky's Mom - thanks so much! We are humbled by your feedback and really appreciate your support. Is there anything that you would like to see more/less of, if so please let us know.

    Also, pass Harley's Mission on to your dog-lovin' friends!

    By the way I love black pups more than anything. We would love to see a picture of your black pup - please e-mail us at HarleysMission@gmail.com, if you would like to have him/her posted on the Harley's Mission!

    Furry Kisses,

  3. I still wonder about black dog syndrome. Is it the remnants of an ancient superstition? Is it just the fact that their eyes don't stand out in a first glance? Either way, it's so unfair to black dogs and cats. And they are so beautiful when you do give them a good home; light just vanishes into our black cat's fur, lustrous like velvet, and the green eyes flash in the dark.
    - - - - -
    dog beds and more
